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Trinity Stage School
Terms & Conditions

Re-registration for the upcoming Term 4 2025!

25 February 2025 - 6 April 2025

Trinity Stage School Terms & Conditions (T&Cs)

The acceptance of the following terms and conditions is conclusive on attending classes at Trinity Stage School and on completion of this form acts as a contract between the parent/guardian of the child/children stated in the registration/renewal form and states that on completion of registration a term’s fees are due to Trinity Stage School. Should a child/children no longer wish to attend classes, notice in writing must be given to leave the school or stop any classes, with full fees payable for the term with which they have signed up to. 


1. Registration needs to be completed for children to attend classes. Registration will need to be completed before the start of each term to reserve a child’s spot in classes and for them to be able to participate in each new term. Trinity Stage School reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if registration has not been completed and/or the terms and conditions are not complied with.





2. All fees are payable in advance of the first lesson of each term, a charge of £5 per week will be added to any fees outstanding after the deadline. Fees are non-refundable and will not be returned due to absence.  Every year the fee for the hire of the hall has increased, when this happens, unfortunately we have no other alternative than to increase fees to accommodate this. The parent/guardian on completing registration are acknowledging and agreeing to the possibility that fees may change from term to term.


3. All students are not entitled to holiday as our classes now fall within academic school term times. However, when the school is closed by the Teacher, no fees are due to be paid for those days the school is closed – should this happen at short notice, any fees owing will be held over to the next term. All other absences will require fees to be paid. All dates of events and holidays​ can be found on the private Trinity Stage School Parents Facebook and Princess Jasmine Pages, so please frequently ​refer to these for any changes, updates or events.


4. The Terms & Conditions, dates of events and further information​ can be found on the on our private Trinity Stage School Facebook Parents Page​ and Princess Jasmine Parents Page ​(please ask to become a member) or made available on request. You must look at these regularly to keep up with any information you need to know.





5. Hair should be in French plaits​ or a bun for all​ classes, and in cases of very short hair a headband​ should be worn. Any hair scrunchies or bows worn​ should be the appropriate school colours​. A ponytail is not sufficient​ as this gets in the way, especially in acrobatic classes. Pupils may be refused​ entry to class if hair is not correctly tied up. 


6. After one month of dancing, the official uniform should be purchased. No outside clothing should be worn during class after this point. Pupils may be refused entry to class if correct uniform is not worn.  


7. No Jewellery should be worn in class; this includes watches and earrings. It is recommended that valuables are not brought to the venue; Trinity Stage School will not be responsible for any lost or damaged property brought onto the premises. 


8. Parents are responsible for putting the student’s names in their uniform and to check when leaving that they have all of their belongings with them. The school takes no responsibility for anything lost on the premises, although please let the teacher know if anything has been lost or left behind.    


9. No Chewing Gum or any other food is allowed in class.  However, students may bring in with them to class a non-fizzy soft drink.





10. Please inform us if your child is suffering from any injuries, health concerns or allergies etc.  It would be appreciated if we were informed of any learning difficulties (hearing/speech/sight) so we can help your child to enjoy the lessons as much as possible.


11. Some physical contact may be necessary during class by the teacher to demonstrate exercises or techniques, to prevent injury during the class, or to administer first aid if required.  


12. No responsibility is taken for any injury occurred, during or after the class, although great care is taken to avoid such an occurrence.  â€‹





13. At No point do parents or students enter the studio when classes are in progress. There are opportunities in between some classes to provide parents the opportunity to speak with the teacher.  Parents are also welcome to text, message via the Facebook page, or email Trinity Stage School staff with any private concerns – Trinity Stage School will be responsive to messages Monday-Friday (0900-1830).


14. Any emails, letters, documents or text messages sent from Trinity Stage School are intended only for the named recipient and are prohibited to copy, forward or distribute (verbally or otherwise).


15. Please respect the building and property where the classes are taking place, by keeping the noise level low and the rooms tidy and free of rubbish. Any pupils or members of their family who damage any property will be liable to pay for repairs.


16. For security purposes, the main door of the School’s premise must remain closed at all times. Ensure you come into the building to collect your children; pupils must not leave the premise without a parent or guardian.


17. Parents are responsible for their children outside of their classes. Trinity Stage School staff cannot be held responsible for children in the waiting area, outside of classes as Trinity Stage School staff will be teaching within the studio. If parents leave their children, please ensure that they are adequately supervised by another adult outside of class time and ensure that your child has been registered in and out of the building. Additionally, please ensure that your child knows where the fire exits are, in the event of a fire we will meet in the car park at the front of the building.​





18. Trinity invest a lot of finances into the equipment to ensure our classes are safe and educational. Trinity Stage School expect any of our equipment to be treated with respect and for any rules around the use of the equipment to be followed by our students. Parent(s)/guardians of any student that is responsible for damage to Trinity Stage School equipment will be liable to pay for damages or replacement equipment.​


19. The Trinity Stage School Bears (Trinity Bear, Tilly Bear and Bianca Bear) are given out as a reward and acknowledgement of achievement and excellent behaviour. On a student being given one of our bears to take home for one week, along with the corresponding bear's back packs and selection of clothing for the bears, it will be the responsibility of the student's parent(s)/guardians​ to ensure that the bear (along with the back pack and clothing) is returned to Trinity Stage School after one week. Should there be any items missing or there to be any damages to the bear and/or their accessories, the parent(s)/guardian will be liable to pay for replacements.





20. This is a British Theatre Dance Association registered Dance School. It is part of our belief to work at the highest possible standard and provide a high standard training. Therefore, examinations will be taken only when the Teacher believes the pupil has reached the required standard. An invoice will be emailed out to parents when their child is ready to take an exam, giving details. Parents should reply to this email if content for their child to take the exams and should provide the required fee by the due date provided on the invoice. If fees are not received by the due date, the pupil will not be entered. Children will be expected to participate in 2 out of 3 exam session a year in order to continue their dance progression.


21. Regular attendance is very important as examination classes need to be perfected and technique secured before an examination. Elite classes will need commitment and solos will need to be rehearsed regularly, particularly when there are competitions coming up. All dates of events and holidays​ can be found on the private Trinity Stage School Parents Facebook and Princess Jasmine Pages, so please frequently ​refer to these for any changes, updates or events.


22. Please be punctual to classes, as children can often feel apprehensive when walking into a class already in progress, it can also be distracting for the other students.


23. If a pupil wishes to take other classes that are not currently offered at Trinity Stage School, as with most dance schools it is professional etiquette to speak with the Teacher as this could conflict with events and exams etc.  


24. The School has the right to refuse admission with no liability for reasons, such as non-payment of fees, incorrect dress, bad behaviour, or bullying. 


25. Parents must fill out the Registration Form. The Principle must be notified of any changes of address, contact numbers and email addresses.


26. Parents/Guardians understand and accept that information, including personal data (e.g. full name and date of birth), will be disclosed to 3rd Parties, including the British Theatre Dance Association (BTDA) for the purposes of examinations, and, when relevant, to the companies running competitions the children participate in for the purpose of ensuring children are entered into the correct age categories. 


27. Please note that children who continue to participate in Acrobatics beyond Grade 2 will be required to participate in Ballet. This is a school policy to ensure that children develop to help strengthen their dance turn out and technique to ensure greater success in their Acro examinations.


28. All students above the age of 4 will be required to participate in a compulsory Conditioning class. For the health and safety of the students, it is Trinity Stage School's mission to ensure that children learn how to stretch and condition their bodies for participating in dance exercises.





29. Parents/Guardians understand that by signing these Terms and Conditions they are entering a contract with Trinity Stage School for use of photographs and videos of their child/children. These images will be used for promotional purposes, celebrating the progression of all our students (past and present), and for capturing events that the School can look back on to celebrate the life of the school in years to come.


30. This is an agreement that any images and videos (as highlighted in point 25) published by Trinity Stage School will be the property of Trinity Stage School. This includes images captured by during Trinity Stage School classes, captured at any Trinity Stage School events (inclusive of external workshops and competitions) or is provided to the school by the parents of the children in the images.


31. Examples of where these images will be used includes (but not exclusively) Social Media, Show/Showcase/Competitions, Posters, Leaflets, and any published media.


32. Please be aware that parents are welcome (and encouraged) to contact Trinity Stage School directly if they do not wish to accept points 25-28 of the Terms and Conditions, and Trinity Stage School will keep this request on file to accommodate the removal of points 25-28 from this contract and will accommodate this request.





33. Arrival and Exit Rules and Regulations


     (i) Parents will not be permitted to enter/wait/stay in the hall during lessons, as this will exceed the 25 person limit that is placed on the venues usage as outlined by Basildon Council.


    (ii) Children will be expected to wash their hands on entry to the venues.


   (iii) Parents should be available and contactable throughout their child’s lessons. Should any child show signs of COVID-19 (in particular, a temperature, persistent cough, or loss of taste or smell), parents will be required to collect your child/children immediately and all parents will be notified of an anonymous incident.



34. Equipment required/use at Trinity Stage School 


   (i) Children will be expected to bring to lessons only necessary items. This is to ensure that the main hall isn’t overrun with personal items:


  • Personalised Trinity draw string bag with dance shoes and skirts

  • Soft Drink

  • Lunch (only if children have lessons from 1130), and lunch should be thrown away with no lunch boxes.

  • Personal Hand Gel

  • Own mat/yoga mat if children participate in Acro classes

  • Mobile phone for personal use to contact parents if necessary (Trinity Stage School holds the phone numbers of emergency contacts if children do not have a personal phone, and will contact parents if necessary. Trinity Stage School will not be responsible should any personal items go missing).


   (ii) Trinity Stage School will not be using the school mats or barres unless it is absolutely necessary, in which case, the barres and mats will be wiped down at the end of each class for which they were used.



35. Hygiene


   (i) Children will be expected to wash their hands when they first arrive in the hall, before they settle and/or begin any classes.


   (ii) Children will be expected to either wash their hands or apply antibacterial hand gel at the end of every class.



36. Students/Families identified as COVID-19 vulnerable

   (i) For students that are considered vulnerable/have a member of their household that is vulnerable, it is recommended that these students do not attend physical classes. Parents will need to make Trinity Stage School staff aware of this.


  (ii) If students are unable to attend classes due to vulnerabilities in their household, Trinity Stage School will do their best to accommodate students by allowing them to dial into a virtual zoom call during ongoing classes at the hired venues, or alternatively try arrange a convenient time for vulnerable students to have a separate session.



 34. Participation in Trinity Stage School classes post-COVID-19 UK Lockdown (from July 2020)


   (i) By ticking the agreement below regarding the Trinity Stage School Terms and Conditions post-COVID-19 UK Lockdown, you are accepting and agreeing to adhere to these new terms and conditions set by Trinity Stage School, including their response to the COVID-19 crisis and the UK Lockdown 2020.


   (ii) By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you understand that, should your child or anyone in your household show symptoms for COVID-19 (if unsure, please check on the NHS website), it is your responsibility NOT to bring your child to class and to self-isolate your household for at least 7 days if no further symptoms occur. In the event that further symptoms occur within the household, you understand that you should self-isolate for 14 days since the last symptom within the household occurred (as outlined in the UK Government's guidelines).


   (iii) By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you understand that, should your child show any symptoms of COVID-19 on arrival to participate in classes at Trinity Stage School, they could be refused entry to classes. You also understand that, should your child show any symptoms of COVID-19 whilst participating in classes, you will need to be available to collect your child immediately from class. Additionally, you understand that it will be Trinity Stage School's obligation to anonymously notify other parents of the incident of your child being sent home due to COVID-like symptoms.


   (iv) You understand that by accepting these Terms and Conditions you are acknowledging and accepting the risk associated with your child participating in classes at Trinity Stage School; although Trinity Stage School will have put in measures to mitigate against the spread of COVID-19 during attendance of classes, Trinity Stage School or their staff cannot be held responsible should your child contract COVID-19.



Should there be any concerns with this policy and the measures Trinity Stage School have put in place in order to mitigate the risk of transmission of the virus, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of staff so that we are able to do our best to alleviate them.


For further information regarding the UK Government’s guidance on work safely with COVID-19 for sport, gym and leisure facilities please go to the UK Government website.


For more information on COVID-19 and social distancing, there is more information from the UK Government here.


35. SHOWCASE 2024


(i) This registration confirms my child's commitment and participation in the Trinity Showcase 2024, which will be taking place at the Brentwood Theatre on 27 July 2024, and the Dress Rehearsal on 20 July 2024.


(ii) Commitment to the showcase at this stage is vital as the children work very hard to put on the showcase and enjoy the opportunity to perform as a team thoroughly. Rehearsals for the show will take place throughout Terms 5 & 6, and dances will be choreographed in the knowledge that all children in classes for these terms will be participating in the show. If you are unable to commit to the showcase please do not sign up for Terms 5 & 6.


(iii) You understand that absences and not fulfilling commitments to the showcase and dress rehearsal effects all other students as they will have to re-learn/re-arrange/re-choreograph routines, causing unnecessary stress and pressure to other children.


(iv) Absences for classes during these terms will mean that your child may not be included in any choreography of the routines set during the week they were absent. Whilst we understand that absences happen and this is unavoidable at times, we have to be mindful that we are on a time frame to complete the routines for the show and ensure that the children feel confident and well-rehearsed. Therefore we need to be able to continue and complete the routines in good time, and sparing other children from having to spend additional time repeating classes/choreography that they have done previously because we have to repeat it due to student absences. By signing up to Term 5 & 6, you understand that absences may mean that your child may not be able to participate in certain sections of the routine that were set during their absence.


(v) By signing up for Terms 5 & 6 you acknowledge and understand that you will be required to hire some costumes for the show, and that you will be responsible for the safe return of any hired costumes and any damages to hired costumes that are caused by negligence.


(vi) By signing up for Terms 5 & 6 you understand that you will be charged for both terms (payments due at the start of each term).


(vii) By signing up to Terms 5 & 6 you understand that charges can and will be made to you should you choose to withdraw your child before the Showcase has taken place on 27 July. Examples of chargable costs are, but not limited to: 

- Props purchased for your child's use in the Showcase

- Costumes (hired or purchased outright)

- Lesson & rehearsal fees

- A reasonable participation fee (due to loss of ticket sales which contribute to the Theatre hire)

Registration & Agreement to 
Trinity Stage School T&Cs

Student Details:

Parent/Guardian details:

Secondary Emergency contact:

Choice of Classes:

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